#i wanna do something from wayne family adventures next maybe
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lion-stiches · 22 days ago
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He's just a little guy!!!
Based on this adorable post by @amorkuku
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arty-chase · 4 years ago
Treasure Hunter AU
I binged watch the Mummy trilogy while i had no wifi/internet for a while and I had an idea for a treasure hunter Mari with Daminette.
Damian was bored.(age: 22-28 years old.)
At a gala party.
Meets Marinette who was equally bored.(abt the same age as D)
He finds out she was the finder of this famous artifact on display.
Damian tugged at his collar, scanning the crowd. His father needed a plus one to show up with and everyone else were busy.
He grabbed a champagne flute and made his way to the edge of the room.
He found a woman in a black evening gown, looking as bored as he felt. short dark hair. Blue eyes.( I suck at describing people after the third time doing it. It feels overrated)
"Hello, stranger. You bored with mingling in with the assholes on their high horses?"
"Should I be offended?"
"We will see. Depends on you."
"How about you? A beautiful lady like you not kissing up their asses to climb the social ladder. That is strange."
She made a face. "Trust me. I don't want to be here but my friend wanted family time so I came in his place. What about you? Why are you here?"
"I am pretty sure my father wanted someone to get him out if the vultures came too close."
"Vultures, adept descriptions. I am glad no one realized who I am yet or i would be in their claws."
"Who are you representing, anyways?"
"Myself but Adrien or Kagami usually comes in my place but tonight, they have their son's play to go to."
"Adrien and Kagami. Aren't they the Agreste-Tsrungi?"
"You are the Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Globe trotting Treasure hunter and also world-class designer, MDC."
"Now you know. What's your name, handsome stranger?"
"You don't know?"
"Hey. Like you said globetrotting treasure hunter. I am not up-to-date on the news front. And when I am in Paris to do designer stuff, i am too busy to look at the news."
He gave her his hand, "Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire and owns Wayne Enterprise."
She shook it.
"Pleased to meet you."
She stills design but like sent her designs to Adrien at least once every month, who had rebranded Gabriel to Miraculous Designs.
Some ppl thinks he did it to spite his father, who is in jail. Adrien and Mari has a partnership thing.
Mari also makes clothes but for a few months. And the rest of the time is spent travelling.
Exclusive designs from MDC are rare but the designs hand made by her are rarer so they are like a really big deal. They have the most amazing details. Really expensive and limited edition.
The rest of the time Mari spends finding Miraculouses (Miraculi ?) lost in the world so if she happens to find a few priceless artifacts that aren't the Miraculous. She donates it.
Alix helps and sometimes go find them with her.
She has Tikki and Plagg and maybe Wyazz all the time to look for curses and counter it.
She has also met John Constantine. They have an arrangement of sorts. A few magical artifacts that doesn't have to Miraculous business are given to him in exchange for any miraculous stuff he has or found.
Adrien funds her trips.
He is married to Kagami.
Kagami goes with Mari and Alix for a few months sometimes. Adrien likes being a stay at home dad.
Their kid is named Marin/Martin because it was Mari who got them together.
The few trips Mari dragged him on was enough to make him stay behind and run the business.
(Back to the story) Damian fangirled a little because Mari had been doing stuff like this since she was 18.
It was an amazing reputation she has.
She invites him to her next trip after questioning his skill sets.
"Are you good with heights, dark scary places and adventuring into the unknown?"
"You any good with guns, swords, knives, booby traps and keeping calm under pressure?"
"Yes. I have many experiences with them."
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me this?"
"Wanna join me on my next trip to the jungle of China? There are myths about some hidden temple."
Damian was a little conflicted.
He hadn't have the chance to explore the world much. He had been somewhere else for a mission (for the League of Shadows or JL business) but never for pleasure.
Being a vigilante by night and working at Wayne Enterprise by day gets a little boring after some years.
His brothers had a chance to travel the world on their own for a while. Sure, for reasons other than sight-seeing and looking for something to break out of the rut he was in. But still.
This was an exciting opportunity but a tad suspicious.
"Why me?"
She looked surprised at that.
"Oh. Well, my friends enjoy coming with me on my adventures, treasure hunting and all that every now and then except Adrien but they have other things in their life to come with me all the time. I can mostly survive on my own most of the time but it gets lonely travelling on my own and it's nice if someone is there to watch my back. I understand if you don't want to come. It's just that I enjoy your company and you aren't like those assholes on their high horses. My gut feeling says I can trust you. You are not after the treasure or see it as one big game. You are looking for an escape. You would definitely catch me if I fall. As you know from my choice of friends, i have a bad habit of pulling rich kids from their stuffy lifestyle and take them on potentially life-threatening adventures." She joked. Then she lowered her voice, "Besides, it might be handy having a former assassin around."
She said in Arabic.
His hand went to his hidden knife and found it not there.
"Looking for this?" She said, holding it.
"How much do you know?" He hissed back in the same language.
"Relax," she gave back the knife, "my mother was one and I have accidentally came across a few in my adventures. I know one when i see one. I took a stab in the dark with your middle-eastern background. Speaking of, you know Talia Al Ghul by any chance."
He narrowed his eyes.
"She's my mother. Why?"
"You look like her. Met her a few times. Nice lady but scary. Mine's Sabine Cheng, goes by the Blue Reaper." She said it so casually like their parents weren't dangerous deadly assassins and had normal jobs.
"You aren't normal, are you?"
"What gave it away?"
"That you willingly gave away blackmail material to me."
"Normal people don't have assassins for mothers. And you and me aren't exactly meeting the minimum standards for normal. Besides, I just told you a family secret that you would have found out anyways with a through background search and a little digging. So far all I know about you is that your parents are Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne-I wonder how an assassin got together with a billionaire-, you are a former League of Shadows assassin, you are great with weapons, keeping secrets and so far meeting the criteria for an adventure buddy. That's all I swear. And that you have some pets. A cat, maybe."
"How you know about my cat?!"
"Cat hair on your clothes." She was good. "If it will ease your mind about me, you can ask me 5 questions that I will truthfully answer. "
"So why are you doing this?"
"That's question 1. Well, I really want whatever this is between us to work. Partners, Friends, Companions, Comrades. Whatever you want to call it. Like I said, I get lonely sometimes and need some human interaction to at least keep myself sane. You looked like you want to be somewhere else and I thought this is perfect. I am not going to tell anyone about you or push you to join me. I swear on my mother's sword."
"Are we killing anybody?"
"Mostly I try to avoid that as much as possible. Sometimes I get into situations with no other alternative. " She looked away guiltily.
"Fair enough."
"Not judging me for that. That's a first for me."
"I am a former assassin and have killed before. I have no right to condemn you for your past."
"How much are you willing to tell me about this hidden temple?"
"That has to do with a secret. I would tell you more when there are less ears around. But this temple was said to hold a magic jewel that grants some powers and it is located really deep in the jungle. Getting there might take months."
"You forgot to mention that last one."
"Oh yeah. You think you can get away for some months. This kind of stuff usually takes a while. Like I said before, no pressure. Anyway, 2 questions left."
"What's my salary?"
"Aren't you a billionaire?"
"My father is. I have a trust fund and I get a salary for doing my job at the company. You are lucky that I just finished with most of my assigned projects so I might be able to come."
"I am so sorry about just assuming things about you. You can say no to the offer. The temple is said to hold some other treasures but I mainly want the jewel. We could auction off a few bits and pieces. I usually just donate them to museums and universities or sell them to those who really appreciate the history. I would also pay for the entire expenses for the trip."
"Can I think about this?"
"Sure. Here's my number. I leave on the 1st of next month. Gimme an answer a week before that so I can make the proper arrangements. It has been fun talking to you, Damian."
She walked away, going towards the buffet table.
Back in the car on the way home to the manor.
Bruce asked, "Who were you talking to for that long?"
"The one that gave you her number."
"Oh. MDC. She invited me to join her in China next month to find some hidden temple."
"She did?"
"Yes. Not only that she found out about mother and know what I did before I came here. She doesn't know about Batman, Robin or Crow. And she said she wasn't going to blackmail me but just wanted a companion to go with her. Ideally, it would be best to silence her before she digs any further into me but I trust her. I sincerely believe that she meant it when she said that she's not going to tell on me. And I am really tempted to take up on it."
"What do you want to do?"
"On one hand, i would be gone for months so there won't be Crow in Gotham for a while and I have a few projects I need to finish up. On the other hand. Father, I have been a vigilante for over 10 years now and I haven't really done much out besides that, school and now work. I have appreciated all you have done for me over the years. But I want to go with her. Do something that is not connected to Batman or Wayne or Al Ghul. Just a little something different for myself."
"You can go if you want. I am not going to stop you. I will make arrangements so the projects would be done by someone else. The others can cover your patrols. You are still young so it is understandable to want some fun every now and then."
"Thank you, Father."
Bruce put his hand on his shoulder.
"I am proud of you as Crow and as Damian Wayne. But if you want to go find some hidden temple in China just for a break from this life, to be just Damian, go for it. There are worse things you could do. Just tell me if you are going to go on any future trips like that." (I don't know DC much, sorry if that is a little OOC but I like good dad! Bruce.)
Damian dialed the number on the card.
"I accept your offer, miss MDC."
"Damian? Right, text me your email address. I will sent you things you would need to pack and flight details. And can you come by to the Gotham Rose Hotel tomorrow? I will give more details on the temple."
Damian comes by the hotel.
Marinette tells him of the kwamis and miraculous and makes him swear to not tell anyone unless they already know.
The hidden temple actually might have a miraculous.
Damian gets a little interested in the akuma situation she mentioned.
Mari doesn't say anything about it much.
When he got back, he goes to the Bat-computer and did some digging.
Ladybug looks a little familiar. Pulls up younger picture of Mari and look at that, she used to be a superhero.
Wonder Woman was kept informed of things and made sure no one goes to Paris without her knowing.
Zatanna helped capture the villain Hawkmoth and end his 2 year reign.
Fast forward, they are in Beijing now, sleeping off jetlag.
The next morning, They get out of the city somehow to the city limits and somewhere remote.
Mari uses Kalki and transports them to the jungle.
They set up camp. Cue Campfire stories.
"I thought getting here would take months."
"No actually, finding the temple would. According to my research and the map I copied through less than legal means, it is somewhere in this general area. There used to a city around here too and the king or emperor pissed off some powerful priest or wizard, take your pick. There was a curse. The city crumbled down and the temple is the only thing standing because the king went there and prayed to the gods for protection. The one who answered his prayers and protected the temple in doing so the king was pressed into service of the god. The king did everything the god said for a while but later, he started to hate it and began disobeying the orders. The god cursed him for his disobedience. The temple he was protected in became his tomb and he was tasked to protect the chest inside the temple for the rest of eternity. Anyone who opens the chest would gain the ultimate power to rule the earth. Thankfully, we are not after the chest. Some powerful crack-head with a misused miraculous tried to find it and open the chest for more power. But he never returned. My theory is that the miraculous is still in the temple. As long as we don't wake up the king or go for the chest, we would be okay."
"What are the guns for? And How did you get them past security?"
"In case of emergencies, an army of undead was mentioned and guns are surprisingly good repellent. Well, most of the time. It's useless if there is a no weapons can kill 'it' rule. Then, it's just a stress reliever. I kept them in a pocket dimension. Makes it easier to get around."
Damian vowed to never let Marinette meet Jason. Judging by the pile of guns and occasional knives and other weapons she took out of the brown satchel which apparently holds a pocket dimension, Jason would adopt her. He wondered if that was all that was inside in.
They packed up and started searching the jungle for hidden temple.
It was a month and a half before they found it.
They bonded a lot during that time.
They had a moment after drinking a little alcohol which Mari has in the pocket dimension. Or Drank a lot of alcohol and had sex.
It was awkward and they both agree to not talk about it again.
Soon after, they found the temple. But it is still a little far away.
But the temple is not the only thing they found. They also found a campsite with many people milling around. Some of them carried guns.
Somewhat rich bastard who overheard their conversation at the gala. Heard treasure and found out where Mari's next expedition is.
Had the help of some scholar who wants to be famous for the greatest find since King Tut.
They found the temple even though they had no magical help, they left 2 weeks before Mari did, so yeah.
Rich Bastard's name is 'Philip Anderson'(This sounds familiar to me for some reason and I can't find out why.) and Scholar is 'Harry Scott'
They have armed bodyguards and some 'hired' help to get the treasure.
Anderson is still rich but his company had been getting losses the past 2 years and this is a quick, easy get rich scheme.
Mari and Damian: "Rich asshole on his high horse."
Anderson doesn't know about the chest but Mari and Damian thinks he does and it was what he was after.
They set up camp a little further ahead of Anderson's
Unfortunately, they were found by Harry. Somehow.
I am going to continue this when I am more awake.
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anothertimdrakestan · 5 years ago
Set In Stone - Choose Your Own Love Story Prologue (Tim Drake or Bart Allen x Reader)
Words: 2k
~ AH!!! Welcome to my newest multi chapter fic! Except there’s a twist! It’s up to you dear reader. I’ll be writing two different stories about each path, like a choose your own adventure, except you choose how your love story progresses to the eventual end! There will be a private masterlist specifically for this series where you can choose the way your personal love story unfolds. Just know that the future is never cemented, meaning you can always go back and try again! Think of this as the prologue to the actual event, but your first decision drops tomorrow, meet Bart or dig deeper into Tim? Hope you enjoy! ~
Seeing teenage heroes was really something else. They were your age, and they weren’t grumpy and old like the Justice League. “Okay well this is fun and all but I wanna hang with people my age!” you groaned following J'onn down the never ending corridors of the Watchtower. “You know your powers are not fit for the type of missions the Young Justice team attempt, you are arguably weaker than the regular human” he reminded you. That was rude. “Am not! I’m an asset! I can’t get hit cuz I know where they’re gonna swing so who cares if I have a mental breakdown every once and while!” J'onn knew you weren’t wrong, you taking a hit was a rare occurrence, but the Justice League refused to risk you even taking one hit, you’d protected thousands by scanning the infinite number of different possible futures. 
“Everything you need is here” you replied “I knew you were gonna say that, like I literally knew it” you also knew you had to prod J'onn just for about two more minutes until you met Nightwing. “Oh my god Nightwing fancy seeing you here!” you grinned at J'onn who now understood your goal. “Hello, I didn’t know the YJ team had a new member?” Dick glanced at J'onn who shrugged. “Do not blame me Nightwing, Flash found her and the team agreed she stays with us” you rolled your eyes before starting with Dick Grayson, but he didn’t know you knew that yet. 
“Hi! Y/N, no last name. Flash found me when he ran into the future and I was totally feeling the mode because I got these powers [ you tapped your head as Dick smirked ] and I can like see different parts of future when I’m super focussed, so like short time is kinda easy but far away and hard and I don’t remember anything from my past. I’m like a future only kinda girl.” you sighed, hoping you’d made sense. Dick’s eyes lit up. “So you don’t have a family, and they’re just keeping you here?” you nodded, crossing your arms to try to look more emotionally secure. 
“Dibs” and something sparked in your head, this was a new future. It hurt. You sunk to the ground clutching your head as a new future bounced around your consciousness. Trying to shake out of it you realized you’d been carried to a med bay, Dick and J'onn stood above you looking concerned. Pushing them off you as you got up you explained “sometimes people make big decisions that change the future, I’m guessing you calling ‘dibs’ on me changed something, but I’m a little too tired to check if that’s okay, also what does dibs even mean?” and Dick smiled, “you’ll have to come find out!” and against J'onn’s protests he pulled you towards the Zeta Tubes. 
Flash zipped in front of you and Dick. “No.” and Dick waved him off. “I’m taking her to the manor, get her to meet the family maybe I’ll get a sister if Bruce is in a mood” he waggled an eyebrow at Flash who was focussed now on you knowing he couldn’t get in Dick’s way. “I know you don’t know him yet but if Jason Todd asks you to do anything that seems dangerous say no. And watch out for Damian’s swords. I guess just look for Tim Drake, he’s a good one” and he patted you on the shoulder. “Go feel the mode kid”  and you face palmed. “Flash you mean crash the mode oh god don’t even try to be cool” you groaned. “You totally have to meet Bart” Dick mumbled before he cleared you for zeta tube access. 
You appeared in what can only be described as a man cave. There was a giant computer where a tiny boy sat covered in leather typing. There was a teenager looking about your age punching dummies while another boy was shooting literally guns at the dummies. “Welcome to the batcave!” Dick announced loud enough for the three boys heads to turn. The smallest boy stopped typing and stalked over to you. “A little young for you Grayson, stolen her from the baby justice team?” you knew this was Damian Wayne, and you couldn’t contain yourself.
“OH MY GOD BATMAN HI!” you screeched pulling him into your chest. “You’re totally crash like so cool but you’re so little right now! Last time I saw you, you were like super tall but you totally got moded or something - oh I wasn’t supposed to say that don’t worry!” Dick nudged you “this is Robin, Batman, Bruce Wayne, is in his office” and you slapped a hand over your mouth. “Right, no spoilers” and Damian stood still, processing his own future. “Moving on, Tim and Jason!” the two older boys had come down to get a closer look.
“Hood, Drake, this is totally cool!” you exclaimed, shaking their hands. “Why is he Red Hood and I’m Drake? Not Red Robin?” Tim looked puzzled. Best not ruin his life like that, this was one of the few things you planned on changing. “Because I know you’re Tim Drake! So does the world, Drake is a good LAST NAME right? Red Robin is totally crash for a hero name!” and Tim looked a little confused, but brushed it off. “What the demon said, she new?” and you shook your head, explaining your story again.
“20 bucks says adoption papers” “50 says she gets a room” “75 on a new animal persona” the boys started screaming bets as soon as they heard the “family trauma emotional instability” part. “Why can’t she be in Young Justice? Or the Outsiders? She’s still a teenager” Tim looked confused. “I dunno man, she’s been with the JL for a while because she’s apparently delicate which is bullshit” Dick explained and you strongly agreed. “None of you could even land a hit on me” you puffed out your chest. “Care to defend that claim?” Damian unsheathed a sword. “No! J'onn sai-” you cut Dick off. “Absolutely ”.
Now you were dodging and ducking Damian’s advances. You’d swung a couple punches but it means undoing some focus which allows Damian to get his own shots in, so you mostly stayed on defense, letting him get frustrated and tired. “I think you’ll get better with practice baby Batman” you teased him. Next was Jason, bullets were hard to avoid because you didn’t have lightning fast reflexes, although that would be nice. But Jason wasn’t as calculated as Damian so you could play a little dirtier. Knocking his guns out of his hands you let up, “this is boring I’m done” you raised from the ground where you and Jason had tumbled down on. 
“So you really have powers. Your moves are all the most probable choice mathematically, you can’t be running the numbers in your head that quick!” Tim was toying with a tablet, shocked at your prediction abilities. “That’s right Boy Wonder, that was fun but I’m feeling kinda diz-” and then you realized you’d overworked yourself a little bit, and it all faded to black. 
You woke up to fully aged Batman. “Oh god no I’m back. How am I back! Damian you were just a kid like ten minutes ago! How long have I been out?” you began to throw blankets off yourself, blankets? You were in a bed in someone’s room. “Calm down, Y/N, Y/N! It’s okay!” and the Older-Damian just enveloped you in a hug. You couldn’t remember the last hug you’d had. Literally couldn’t remember. And it was a welcomed comfort. Pulling away you got a closer look, and it wasn’t Damian Wayne, but Bruce. 
“Bruce right? Current Batman?” you whispered, trying to wrap your mind around what had just happened. “That’s me, I see you’ve met my son, at multiple ages too” his eyes were smiling but his mouth wasn’t, it showed concern. “Yes, I did, I’m sorry for being a nuisance, it’s a pleasure to meet you but clearly I’m a bit moded so I should head back to the tower” you explain beginning to get up. “Actually that’s something I wanted to talk to you about, if you feel alright? [ you nodded, your powers were still a little too weak to peek ahead at what he was going to say ] Well, as you can see, I’ve got a couple of children, and you haven’t even met all of them. And I take them under my protection and I train them, and it seems to me you want training. Now you’re not ready for field work but you can start with me and my team, and maybe do a couple visits with the Young Justice team when Tim heads over. I think I can help you, and give you a family, would that be something you want?” 
A family, you had one of those. And you knew the word brought you warmth, that had to be a good thing. “I think I’d like that a lot, but I’m kinda already with the Justice League ya know? Their personal magic 8 ball.” and Bruce shook his head. “They won’t be a problem for me, you’ll fit right in with my family” and you felt a smile spread over your face. “Then it’s a deal!” and you stuck out a hand, Bruce clasped it, pulling you in for another hug. 
“We’ll talk later about what this means logistically, but there’s someone really excited you’re here.” and Tim Drake came bursting through the door, holding cookies. “Welcome to the team Y/N! You don’t know Alfred yet but he made these! I’m so glad you’re here!” he was beaming with excitement. And blushing? “Hi Tim, I’m glad to be here!” you chirped. Bruce mumbled something about paperwork and left the room as Tim continued. “This is totally cool, if you want I can call Bart I think he’d totally want to meet you! Or, you and I could hangout just the two of us!” there was that blush again. “Yeah! Can I just sit and think for a minute before I catch up with you?” this was a decision you wanted to read into, it felt important. 
Tim left, and you sat back into the plush bed, diving into the future. And it was something you hadn’t seen you. There were two futures, still fuzzy from the infinite decisions to be made securing the future, but it was clear enough to see that it was your wedding day. Down one path you saw a beautiful wedding with someone you haven’t met yet, and you looked beyond happy. You heard yourself whisper “if only Tim were here to see this” wiping a tear away in the arms of your lover. Recoiling back you knew this future wouldn’t do, not at Tim’s expense. So you went towards the other. Same set up, but this time it was Tim that you were marrying, but the same tear slid down your cheek “if only Bart could be here” you recognized the name. Bart, the guy you’re supposed to be meeting. 
And you were stuck in the middle no matter what. Like yin and yang you couldn’t find a future where you didn’t end up in the arms of one at the other’s grave. Or worse, in the futures where you tried to pick them over yourself both lost their lives saving you. So how you do pick? Who gets to be your future and who has to perish to secure it?
“Y/N you ready yet?” Tim called from down stairs. It was years out, but you knew every decision you made from now on was one step closer to the loss of a hero. And there was nothing you could do about it. 
First Decision:
Get To Know Tim Drake First
Meet Bart Allen
 ~ I really hope you’re excited to make your own fic! The masterlist with the choices goes up with the actual start tomorrow! I can’t wait!!! ~
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ifliamsmile · 5 years ago
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One and Only - Dick Grayson Imagine
summary/ request:  hiiii can I request some dick x titan!reader where she founds out about dawn e dick’s past and gets jealous??? you are amazing
pairing: Dick Grayson x Titan!Reader
Notes: Anony, it’s here, finally! i hope you like it xxx thank you so much to @boyy-wonder-grayson for helping me a lot on this and always being the best of the friends.
warnings: implied smut and i think it’s just this
Y/n knew Dick for as long as she could tell, and he knew the girl more than herself would ever do. She became a member of the Wayne/Batman family a little after him, when she lost her parents in a fire. She was alone when Bruce found  her; the old man trained the girl until she became the vigilant she is today.
They grew up together, they learned things together, he saw her growing up and turning into a beautiful woman, but mostly a good superhero. She was Dick's first and probably only true love.
Dick, Y/n and Donna thought the world deserved a team of young heroes doing everything to help people; so they created the Titans.  Hank, Dawn and Garth came  a little bit after and with them the team was complete.
They fought the bad guys and things couldn’t be better. They became known, respected by their mentor from the Justice League. They were on the path to become the next big superhero group.
One year after the team was formed, Y/n had to leave to help Bruce. Gotham city was darker than ever and the Dark Knight needed her help so she left, knowing that the boy she loved would take care of the Titans and make them grow as a true leader.
Being apart from Dick would be hard, but they knew that ignoring a call from the guy who raised them was never an option. Saying goodbye hurt and he just prayed time passed fast so she could come back.  Y/n didn’t want to leave the boy she grew so fond of. After years of being on his side, leaving was going to leave a hole in her heart, but she was first a hero and if Batman needed her, she would be by his side. Even if that mean leaving the love of her life behind. At least just for a while.
“stay safe, boy wonder. I’m just one phone call away” she said when she left the tower with a goodbye kiss on Dick’s lips.
Two years after she left for Gotham City, Dick decided he had to move on, and it was at the same time that Dawn and Hank had broken up. They've been together since the beginning of this adventure, but with the kind of life they had it was easy to recognize that they were different, maybe too much to be together.
They thought it was better being apart. Dick and Dawn got closer, he helped her to go through it and they started something. He liked her a lot, but he could never say it was like the fiery passion he felt for Y/n.
Dawn was nice to him, they had a good time together and it was more than enough for now.
A few months later they had the bad luck of crossing patha with Slade Wilson and it ended up with Garth’s death, the heartbreaking episode of his death broke the titans and they swore they would make justice for their friend.
Dick was drowned in his heartache. He wanted revenge. He promised himself that he was going to be the one to stop Deathstroke, no matter the cost.  Dawn asked him to be batman and he would gladly do it, he did what the man he knew so well would have done, he went ‘till the end.
Y/n didn’t leave his mind even for a second, she was a missing piece to him, it was always like there was a gap by his side that was there ever since she left and could never be filled;
He missed how she would always be on his side while they researched for informations, how she would be the one to clear his mind when it got blurry, he just missed her, while in Gotham, Y/n tried to be strong, for her mentor, she tried to pretend the distance wasn’t killing her, but the fact that he was okay and following the hero life as he loved to do kept her in peace.
Dick worked hard  trying to catch Slade, he researched until he found the the only thing that could affect him enough to be caught: his son, Jericho Wilson. Dick followed him, learned about him and in some point he was almost his best friend, the boy got to know the team. Using a kid wasn’t right, but losing Garth was too cruel for even thinking about this.
He definitely wasn’t  a good boyfriend to Dawn, he barely slept with her anymore, he just worked non-stop until he got what he wanted. Their relationship was fading day by day, the boy tried to do better but he couldn’t do more. He was like a ghost.
The titans were focused on getting Slade by approaching to Jerichó, but what they didn’t know was that it would end up in the tragedy of losing the boy. If the titans were broken when they lost Garth, they were even more now, because the kid had died because of them and Dick took all of the guilty for leading this. He felt like trash, nothing made sense to him anymore and Dawn broke up with him, leaving the tower along with Hank and Donna. It was okay to him, after all, she didn't have to support him on his darkest time and with no resentments, she left.
Despite everything, Donna knew he would need someone to help him, so she called Y/n telling her everything that happened, the episode with Jerichó and how deep he went to make justice.
“He  need you, y/n” that’s what wonder girl told y/n in the morning the old titans left, and she went running to the tower without asking anything more. She knew Dick enough to understand he needed her to get together all the broken pieces.
It was night already, but Y/n got in San Francisco faster than she thought she would, making her way right into the building. Dick was sitting on the couch, too shaken up to react, and when the elevator door opened, he couldn’t believe  what he was seeing, was she real?
“Y/n” he said getting up without taking his eyes off her. He wouldn’t take the risk of closing his eyes and noticing she was a mirage. She looked so beautiful, he thought when he walked to her, taking her in his embrace.
“Hello, Boy Wonder” the girl said in his arms.
He kissed her. There was so much to say, but not right now, they just wanted to enjoy each other like the old times. Dick felt like there was a sight of hope now that she was there and batman would need to excuse him, because now she was his again and he didn’t mean to let her go.
He grabbed her hips pulling her closer to him. She didn't complain when Dick's hand found their way inside her shirt, she welcomed them with enthusiasm. It's been so long since they've seen each other and this kiss was prof of it. The more they kissed the hotter it got. Hands touching every bit of skin, and their mouths never separated from each other. She sighed when Dick placed her back against the couch and kissed her deeply trying to convey how much he missed her all those years. It's like he couldn't get enough of her and that night he showed her that many, many times.
They were lying on the couch now. Y/n had her head rested on Dick’s chest while he caressed her back. There were only the sound of their tired breaths and a thin blanket covering their lower parts.
“I’m glad you’re back you know? I don’t know if i would take it all without you here” he said with still hoarse voice from the sex
“You definitely would. But i’m here to make sure of it” y/n answered looking at him this time and giving him a small kiss on the lips “There’s nothing  we can’t fix together like we always did.”
The girl assured him and a little after, when things came up to her, there was an unsolved thing in her mind and she needed to talk to him about
“So...you and Dawn?” y/n asked Dick surprising him. It wasn’t that she wanted to ruin the moment, but she didn’t want to stay here with hidden feelings about anything.
“You found out about it, huh?”
“I did..Well, when I asked Donna  how you were doing, i also listened to things that i’d rather not to” She said a little bit insecure about where this conversation was going to end “it’s fine if you don’t wanna talk about it, i just-”
“Hey, it’s not a problem, i’d tell you sooner or later” he knew her too much to know she felt insecure about what happened between him and Dawn. “But you should know that you don’t need to feel insecure about anything, you know? It was never like what we had or what he have, nothing could come even close to this. It was like my heart was too full of you to even open to someone else. Yes, we did have something, but it’s nothing you should worry about; you’ve always been my biggest love.” He said, trying to assure y/n 
“So...nothing to worry about?”
“Nothing to worry about, babe. You took my heart with you when you left, i hope u can give me back now”
“idiot” she laughed at him and he kissed the girl
“You saw my darkness and never ran, you stayed and helped me. That’s certainly something that only you would do. So no, you don’t have to fear anything, you’re the one and only to me.” Dick could understand y/n’s feelings, he would feel exactly the same or even worst if it was with her, but once she understood what she meant to him, she would never feel like this anymore
“And you know what? I am purelly full of joy, because i am missing nothing. No one has more than I do now.” Dick said and she felt better, like it was always what she needed to hear to finally be in peace about it.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
For Wandering Dreamers (Pt. 2)
 Synopsis: After hearing your parents argue about something for what feels like the zillionth time that night, you escape to your books and comics for some escaping of reality. Just as the argument ends with slamming doors, a note and locket landed on your bed. Inscribed on the note was a promise of new adventures and a better life awaiting you.
Notes: Y/F/D= Your Favorite Drink  Y/N= Your Name   Y/N/N= Your Nickname   Y/F/P= Your Favorite Playlist
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1979
Tumblr media
          You woke up to the sound of someone trying to wake you up and small beams of golden sunlight peaking in through the curtains of your bedroom.        
           “Y/N, it’s time to get up.” You rolled over and rubbed your eyes to see Damian stepping back. His emerald green eyes sparkled in the light and you smirked some siting up and taking your hair out of the two braids that it was in, revealing wavy hair
           “What time is it?” You mumbled yawning.
           “it’s 9:15 in the morning. Alfred has breakfast prepared downstairs.” He informed you as you rolled out of bed fixing your shirt.
           “Thank you. I’ll be downstairs shortly.” You said, “Wait, where is the kitchen?”
           “So, you can make your way to the Batcave and the Fortress of Solitude but not the kitchen?” He chuckled, “You surprise me more and more every minute.”
           “Well, I have seen blue prints on Google of the house but it was how someone imagined it so I cannot guarantee that that is actually how to get downstairs.” “And also, you will find that I am in fact very impressive in multiple ways.” You smiled getting out one of the outfits that you packed.
           Running into the bathroom as Damian waited outside on the bed for you, you changed into your favorite colored thinner hoodie, denim jacket, dark grey ripped jeans, black and white Adidas, and you put your hair up. After that you brushed your teeth and then headed out to go downstairs with Damian.
           “Try and take the lead.” He challenged, “Just see if you can make it to the kitchen.”
           “Fine.” You replied walking down the hallway, eventually to a set of stairs.
           “Oh, what floor are we on Damian?” You asked.
           “Just the second.” He answered.
           “Cool.” You walked down the flight of stairs which seemed never ending and then to a double staircase that led to the massive living room and to the side, the kitchen.
           “It wasn’t that hard.” Damian remarked behind you.
           “Mhmm.” You rolled your eyes getting a small laugh from Jason who was leaning on the counter.
           “So, you must be Y/N?” Jay asked.
           “Yep.” You answered, “Oh Jason, just for your information, all of Tumblr wants you to know that you’re awesome.” “It’s a social media platform where I’m from.” You explained, “I don’t know if you guys have it.”
           “Finally, some recognition around here.” He threw his hands up in exasperation, “And what does Tumblr say about the rest of the crew?”
           “It’s pretty unsurprising really.” You answered, “Dick is the mother hen, you’re the awesome one that everyone loves, Tim is the sleep deprived little bean,” you laughed some and continued pulling up a link on your phone, “According to this, Damian is a small deadly cupcake, Cass is an amazing and beautiful person who everyone would seriously die for, Steph is a waffle queen, Babs is just a queen... no a goddess, Bruce is the mom jeans dad, and Alfred is superior to all. Oh, and Kate is a badass, Duke is the sane one, and seriously at the end of this it says that the writer would die for every one of you guys.” “So yeah, you guys are pretty popular.”
           Jason was wheezing laughing at Tim and Damian’s description and Dick was slightly offended before be introduced himself. You guys talked a lot much to what seemed to be the to the jealously of Damian for some reason. You wouldn’t admit it but Damian was your favorite Robin. You had had a crush on him but you know, that didn’t need to come to light.
           You sat down at the table and was talking to Damian again who was seated next to you as everyone sat down. They were asking questions and introducing themselves little by little. It was just as you had imagined it on the nights that you dreamed of leaving home or scrolling through some sort of fan fic. The breakfast was amazing and was enough to make you remember that you actually had a life outside of this. Plus, would Bruce pay for education? You weren’t really expecting that but it was the summer time so you assumed that there was no need to worry about that yet.
A few weeks later...
           You were walking around Gotham with Damian the day after the third gala that you had attended. It wasn’t hard to become fast friends with Cass, Babs, and Steph seeing as how they were literal queens of the entire Batfam and the rest of the family welcomed you with open arms, but recently you and Damian haven’t been spending as much time as the two of you would like to. It was something that he had “voiced” after kind of ignoring you for a few days which led to some interrogation on your end, plus some slight teasing.
           Finally, you guys were doing something that didn’t involve six other people, even if those *other people* were very much welcomed. The two of you walked down a sidewalk into a coffee shop where you proceeded to grab a table for the two of you and Damian got the drinks. He came back and smiled some, sitting down and passing you Y/F/D.
           “Thank you.” You said taking a sip from the drink.
           “Anytime.” He answered before the look of an idea graced his face, “There’s a book store not too far from here that you’d probably like.”
           “Is it a Barnes and Noble or just corner/ local shop?” You inquired.
           “It’s a corner shop just down the street. Trust me, it’s better than any Barnes and Noble you’ve ever seen.” He answered.
           “Wanna bet on it Dames?” You chuckled some.
           “Only if you’re prepared to lose Y/N/N.” Damian challenged, “If this is the most impressive book store you’ve ever walked into, I get to take you out on a date Friday night.”
           “Well, then, I might purposely lose, Wayne.” You smiled at him some, the look of brilliant trouble glazing over your eyes, “And if I win, you can take me out and kiss me after the store.”
           “I might do both regardless.”
           You raised a brow, “Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go see this awe -inspiring book store.”
           You guys walked down the street, swarmed by the media and paparazzi as they were getting pictures of Gotham’s newest unconfirmed couple. The two of you stopped in front of a store that read, “Corner- Shop Books.”
           “Straight to the point I see.” You said sarcastically as you guys walked inside.
           “Mhmm.” Damian looked to see your reaction which was almost immediate.
           The shop was bigger than you expected. There were shelves everywhere and a small sitting area near the middle of the store. In the back, there were stairs that lead to another floor of books and the seemingly infinite sea of literature drew in anyone that gazed into its glass doors. You were still for a second, admiring the large room and then walking around some, leaving Damian behind for a few seconds.
           To Damian, watching you was like watching a kid in a candy shop. You gently ran your fingers over some of the intricate spines of the books, making your way to the classical literature, and then myths, history, and up the staircase to where the fiction and fantasy was.
           He smiled as you looked so at peace in the world. It was the first time that he had really seen you this comfortable aside from some of the moments where you two were alone in the library reading or out in the gardens having conversations on whatever subject or topic you were interested in discussing. The thought that you guys might be here for hours crossed his mind, but was quickly brushed away once he saw the excited look on your face as you found something that was interesting enough to grab hold of your ever -wandering attention.
           “What is this one about?” He asked referring to the hard -back book with a beautiful pale pink and gold cover, and what looked to be part of a castle on the spine.
           You were reading the synopsis of the book before answering him, “It’s a book about a princess that comes from a lineage where the first of the family was a “god killer” of sorts. He defeated the goddess of death when she decided to take over the land and now the goddess, 300 years later, is back to reclaim her throne.” You stopped for a second, “It’s also got a male character who acts as an assassin for the king and may or may not be the romantic interest of the trilogy.”
           “The boxed set is right there if you’d like it.” He picked it up and handed it to you.
           “I’d like to not spend a ton of money on books until I find a job or something.” You said putting the book down.
           “I’ll get it for you. Just get what you’d like, the bookshelves in your bedroom are looking empty as of late except for the few you managed to bring. I can see how you stare at it sometimes with the look of dissatisfaction during some of our conversations.” Damian offered, joking some at the last part.
           “Dames, it’s okay I-“ He cut you off.
           “I insist Y/N.” He said handing you the box of books.
           You gratefully smiled at him and offered a thank you before continuing along in the store to hunt for more books. It was maybe three hours before you guys left. You had a few bags of books and thanked Damian profusely. He insisted that it was totally fine and you kind of stopped once you reminded yourself that he was, in fact, the son of a billionaire.
           Once back in the manor, you had run upstairs to start organizing your shelf, you know, as any book worm might. It wasn’t long before you got a knock at the door and you were pretty sure you knew exactly who it was.
           “Come in.” You turned off Y/F/P and waited for the person to come in.
           Damian walked into your room and shut the door, “So, about the bet.” He asked, “Was it the most impressive book store you’ve ever seen?”
           You thought for a moment, “Well I mean, the one in New York was really cool that one time, oh there was that one from Jersey...” You looked up and smiled, “Just kidding. And yes, it was by far, the best bookstore I’ve ever seen.”
           He smiled and walked to you, putting his hands on your waist, “Then I hope that you will keep your end of the bargain and accompany me to dinner Friday night?”
           “I will.” You replied, your breath hitching some at how close you two were, “I am slightly disappointed that you didn’t lose though.”
           “And why is that Y/N?” He asked.
           “Because now, you don’t have to kiss me.” You smirked some as he stared you intensely.
           “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.” With that, he pulled you into a long kiss, you ran your fingers through his hair at one point, and he pulled you dangerously close to his chest.
           Once you broke apart he spoke up, “Y/N, would you be my girlfriend?”
           “That’s an offer I cannot pass up.” You answered, “100%.”
           “Well then beloved...” You smiled at the name remembering it from the fan fics, “I hope you have something to wear for our date.”
           “I’ll find something.” You looked at your stack of books debating whether or not to start shelving them.
           Your thoughts came to a stop when you heard that dinner was ready, you would just do it while Damian was on patrol. You were a night owl anyways, so it wouldn’t matter.
Ya’ll I’m dying I haven’t had literally any sleep but here we are lol. I hope that you guys had a great Easter and are doing well. If you have any requests, please send them in. I hope that you guys are staying safe and are well have a good day and keep sane! 😊
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nokomiss · 5 years ago
Happy 4th! I would love something with Dick and Tim having fun patrolling or working on a case together, maybe with a moment where they have to pull off a little acting for undercover/incognito reasons. Dick/Tim is my favorite but a brotherly dynamic would be great too if you are feeling that instead! Thanks for being open to prompts!
So the morning started out… weird. And by weird, that meant Tim was startled awake by Dick Grayson jumping on his bed while belting out an off-key rendition of “Blue Suede Shoes.”
“Go away,” Tim tried, shoving his face deeper under the pillow and pulling his legs up into the fetal position, attempting to keep from getting bounced on. 
Dick ignored him. “Rise and shine, time to fight crime!”
“Crime doesn’t happen at--” Tim blearily poked at his phone, “Eight-thirty in the morning.”
“Crime is always afoot, Timmers,” Dick replied. He hopped off the bed and poked Tim in the side. “Come on. We’ve got that thing you said you’d do with me. You and me! Incognito! It’s gonna be great.”
Tim had absolutely no memory of whatever mission Dick was claiming that he’d agreed to. “When, exactly, did I agree to this?” 
“Uh, four weeks ago,” Dick said. “When we were patrolling the East End. Remember? The night we rescued those puppies?”
Tim definitely remembered the puppies, they’d been adorable. And Dick had said something about---
He opened his eyes, and actually looked at Dick for the first time. He was wearing a spangled, fringed jumpsuit that wasn’t the infamous early Nightwing costume. It was white, with bell-bottoms and a plunging neckline, with a rhinestone-studded belt. His hair was in a pompadour. And he struck a pose, one hip out, head bowed, arm in the air.
Dangling from the arm in the air was another white sequined jumpsuit, this one featuring a cape with a bejeweled eagle on the back.  
“No,” Tim said, horror-struck, as he remembered with sudden clarity Dick mentioning a tip he’d gotten about a shipment of drugs being smuggled through at an upcoming Elvis convention, and Tim laughingly saying that he’d only go if there were costumes.
“Yes,” Dick said. “We pinky-swore, Tim, you can’t back out now.”
It was true; they had. Tim sighed and got out of bed, taking the jumpsuit from Dick. “You’re enjoying this way too much.”
“This is easily the best undercover gig I’ve ever had,” Dick confirmed. “Shake a leg, we don’t want to be late!”
Tim dressed quickly. The jumpsuit didn’t feel as weird as it ought, given what he wore out every night, and he kind of enjoyed the short cape.  Dick produced some shiny satin scarves to complete their ensembles -- blue for himself, red for Tim, which made him smile, and even big gold sunglasses.  After his hair had been fixed, he had to admit they both made pretty good Elvises; he doubted anyone would identify them as members of the Wayne family, at the very least.
On the ride to the convention hall -- a mid-sized one, Tim noticed, with minimal advertising, even though, as far as he knew, Elvis impersonation didn’t trigger any of Gotham’s major rogues -- Dick updated him on the case. He’d done a decent amount of footwork on it already. There was supposed to be a major shipment of newly produced narcotics coming in through the con somehow. The only solid name he had was Geezer, and Dick was unsure if that was a description or a name.
“So we’re going to stalk every geriatric Elvis we can find?” Tim said. 
“Stalk is such a negative word,” Dick said. He looked unfairly good as Elvis, and Tim was mildly concerned that they were going to draw unnecessary attention to themselves. Tim himself at least knew he wouldn’t; the jumpsuit he was wearing was too big, and made his lean frame look scrawny instead. It was the trick he’d used in high school to avoid looking too fit, but Dick had not chosen to go that route himself. 
 Tim planned on making fun of him for that.
Arriving at the convention center was a treat, as he and Dick fit in perfectly. Almost everyone in attendance was wearing Elvis costumes, the majority of which were white rhinestone-crusted ones similar to the ones they were wearing, with a few black leather outfits or gold suits mixed in for fun.  
They spent two solid hours moving through the crowds, listening to snippets of conversation and looking for suspicious body language.  They focused on the convention hall with its dozens of booths filled to the brim with Elvis merch.  They were the likeliest spot for surreptitious drug deals, though Dick’s information hinted at a much larger operation than just two-bit dealers.
In actuality most of the time was actually spent trying on ridiculous hats, posing with various other Elvises, at one point joining in on a giant karaoke flash mob to Jailhouse Rock despite not knowing the choreography (Dick hissed, “Just shake your pelvis, it’ll be fine” and lo and behold for once that advice was spot on) and in general having a grand time.
It was, actually, such a grand time that Tim started to become suspicious that this wasn’t actually a drug bust but actually just an outing to an Elvis convention.
“So why didn’t you bring the brat instead?” he asked as they got fried peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwiches. Now that he was thinking about the day critically, he was doubting everything. This was exactly the sort of dumb adventure that Dick would normally love to drag Damian to, under the guise of exposing him to quote-unquote culture.
Dick cast his eyes around and said, “I love Dami, don’t get me wrong, but some things are sacred.”
“Oh,” Tim said, “you didn’t want him to harsh your vibe by refusing to wear a jumpsuit.”
“Exactly,” Dick said, nodding. Several hours in and Tim still wanted to laugh when he really focused on what Dick looked like, especially since he’d truly taken to the role and was doing a lip snarl to punctuate nearly every sentence.
“But Jason would have eaten this up,” Tim pointed out. It was exactly the sort of over-the-top nonsense that Jason excelled at, despite denying the fact vehemently. “Or Cass. She would have been an incredible Elvis. She would have crushed Jailhouse Rock.”
“You wanna make this a family outing next time?” Dick’s whole face lit up. “Awww, baby bro!”
“Shut up,” Tim muttered. “There’s totally not a next time.”
“Crime never sleeps, Timmy, and look at how many shady individuals are here.” Dick pointed to a toddler taking a few wobbly steps then tripping over its bellbottoms. “I mean, by next year, there’s a crime lord in the making.”
“Not what I said!” Tim said, laughing. “I just wondered, you know, why me, out of everyone.”
Just like that, the laughter dropped from Dick’s eyes and he straightened up. For one brief second Tim could see how he managed to be a convincing Batman, and then Dick said, “Tim, you’re important to me, you know that, right? I knew this was going to actually be a fun mission for once, and I miss having fun with you.”
Oh. Tim knew logically that they hadn’t spent as much time together recently as they used to, especially as they used to back when he was Robin, but he hadn’t thought that Dick missed it as much as he did.
 “I’m glad,” he said, and didn’t duck away at all when Dick wrapped him up in a bear hug, then continued to lead the way with an arm draped over his shoulder. 
“There’s a panel starting soon about theories on Elvis’s current whereabouts, I bet there’ll be plenty of geezers there.”  Dick led the way to a room off the main convention floor.
Sure enough, given how dated the Elvis-is-alive theory was, most of the audience and the entire panel were decidedly geriatric.  The panelists presented theories that were in depth and crazy enough that Tim almost wanted to look into their veracity, even though he knew that if Elvis had truly not died, some superhero would have surely come across him by now and he would have heard about it. 
The audience was of far more interest. Several of the Elvises would get up, whisper to another, then disappear behind a curtain for a few minutes.  Tim elbowed Dick when he noticed, and Dick nodded.  They snuck around to the curtain, and peeked behind it.
Another Elvis, this time in statue form.
Tim shrugged, unsure as to why people were sneaking in to see a statue of Elvis when there were easily a dozen other animatronic ones at various points on the convention floor.  They approached slowly, but the statue was just that: a statue.
“Weird,” Tim said.
Dick shrugged and looked at it closely. “Pretty good likeness.” He poked it in the chest, randomly poking at various rhinestones, and there was a faint whirring sound from within the statue, and the rhinestone belt popped open like a quarter candy machine and dropped two pills onto the floor.
They stood for a moment, blinking at the revelation that they’d found a secret narcotic dispensing machine disguised as an Elvis statue. 
“Huh,” Tim said, “I’m gonna be honest with you here, I didn’t actually think this was a real mission.”
“I mean,” Dick said, “I can see why it would be outlandish. Guess we wait here and kick the ass of whoever comes to try to collect money from us?”
“What if it’s the old Elvises?” Tim said. “Is it morally okay to kick geriatric ass?”
“We can gently kick their ass, I guess?” Dick said. “Real delicate-like.”
It was a truly embarrassing moment to be a vigilante. The narcotic ring was masterminded by three guys in their eighties who probably had dealt to the King himself, and Dick and Tim had to very delicately immobilize their scooters and zip-tie them before alerting the police. They waited in the little anteroom making sure no one else stumbled across the drugs or dealers until they heard the approach of officers, then slipped out into the crowd just as the dance-off began.
Dick of course insisted they join in before leaving, and Tim had to admit he was glad; it was a sight to see.  
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“The Soccer Game”
SUMMARY: I decided to continue “HappyNess Is Not A Myth.” Bucky’s baby girl, now 3 wants to play soccer. What ensues next is too damn cute!!!
Word Count: 1,898
Characters: Daddy!Bucky and Patricia Barnes, Steve, Tony, Nat, Wanda, Sam, Thor, and adorable Sarah Natalia Barnes!!
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff and hilarious shenanigans by 3 year olds
A/N: I have no idea where this idea came from, but here it is. Daddy! Bucky warms my heart. After everything he endured, no amount of happyness is too much. Enjoy!
A/N 2: 3 year old Sarah has her own SUMMARY: I decided to continue “HappyNess Is Not A Myth.” Bucky’s baby girl, now 3 wants to play soccer. What ensues next is too damn cute!!!
The moment Sarah Natalia Barnes was born, she had Earth’s mightiest heroes wrapped around her chubby fingers. Curly chestnut hair, sparkling cerulean eyes, and the cutest smile known to man. Talia, the moniker passed down from her godmother, Natalia Romanoff, cast a spell over the compound. No one could escape her charm.
Steve, Sam, Tony and Bucky turned to putty when she entered a room. Tickling, placing kisses all over her face, and blowing raspberries on her stomach. Wanda played dress up; complete with heels, make-up, wigs, and feather boas. Her godmother? She’d sneak Talia in the gym, guiding her through defensive movement. Trish reprimanded Nat, but that didn’t stop her!
Bucky, Tony, and  Steve were the worst. Unte Towe purchased a toddler treadmill and foam weight bench! Talia, Steve, and Bucky “lIft weights” together. “Daddy, Unte Steeb, wookie! I do too!!!” Eventually, Trish relented not without a few choice words for the super soldiers, billionaire genius and former master assassin.
Trish on the other hand, was the disciplinarian aka mean mommy. Talia’s charm didn’t work on her. If Bucky had his way, he’d never say anything harsh to his little peanut. He and Trish showed a united front when it came to manners; please, thank you, and excuse me. Don’t think Bucky was a wuss with his baby girl. It broke his heart to say ‘no.’
Clint and Laura visited most weekends, bringing Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel for a playdate with Talia. She would sometimes spend the weekend with the Bartons, giving Bucky and Trish alone time and vice versa. Their arrangement worked well.
“Daddy, pway wif me pwease?” Talia stood in front of Bucky, batting those long eyelashes.
Unable to say no Bucky replied, “Okay Peanut. What do ya wanna play?”
Talia scrunched her little nose, “Um wets pway putball.”
Laughing, Bucky tilted his head. . “Football? Why sweetie?”
“Coopew pways wif me and Yiya. I wun, yaff, and tick baws.”
Sitting her in his lap, Bucky reminded Talia, football was a boy’s game.
Shaking her chocolate curls, “Nu uh. I pway putball.”
Trish, standing against the door, sat next to her husband, taking Talia’s hand.
“Sarah, there are ladies who play football, we call it soccer. Would you like to play?”
“Weally? I  PWAY SOTTER!!!!
Trying to gage his wife’s seriousness, Bucky’s eyebrows knitted together.
“Wait a minute doll, we need to discuss this further. My baby girl might get hurt or somethin’. Then I’d have’ta kill’um.”
Laying a hand against his face, Trish reminded her fretting husband it’s perfectly safe. “How much damage could a team of 3 year olds do? I’ll talk to Tony about The Stark Employee mini-soccer league.”
Sliding from her daddy’s lap, Talia scampered to her room. “I dwess fo putball?”
Bucky burst her little bubble, “No dumplin’ not yet.”
Pouting, Talia hung her head. “Bye-bye.”
Whispering, Talia admonished Bucky. “See what you’ve done? Go to her. You’re a bully.”
Relenting, “bully” Bucky trudged to Talia’s room. Her tear stained face crushed him.
“Peanut, would you like to go buy a soccer ball and we play outside?”
Wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, “Uh huh, We pway sotter oushide?”
“Yes baby. We’ll ask your uncles and aunts too. Would ya like that?”
“Yesh, wet’s go wight now!!!”
Trish called Nat. “Guess what? You goddaughter wants to play soccer!”
Swallowing hard, Nat queried, “Soccer? Are you serious?”
“Yes. Bucky’s rounding up the cavalry going to the sporting goods store! I’m sitting this trip out.”
“Wanda’s here, so you’ll have company.”
Trish figured a spa day was needed. Of course, Wanda was on board.
Steve buckled Talia in her car seat, while the rest of the crew climbed in the blacked out window SUV.
On the drive to “Dick’s Sporting Goods” Talia informed everyone in the car she was playing soccer. Bucky kissed the top of her curls. He’d never seen her so excited.
The entire store stopped what they were doing when watching Talia and her “entourage.” Tony hammed it up with customers. Nat, Bucky, Steve and Talia rode the escalator to the soccer section.
Talia’s eyes were brighter than the sun. She didn’t know what to look at first.
Alex, customer service rep waved at Talia. “Hello little lady. How are you?
“Hi. I’m thwee,” holding up two fingers.
“Mr. Barnes, Ms. Romanoff, how may I help?” Of course he’d recognized them from television.
“Alex, my daughter needs all things toddler soccer; balls, shoes, socks, shirts and shorts. Do’ya have anything in her size?”
Alex enthusiasm bubbled over. “As a matter of fact, we do. Our shipment of toddler clothes arrived yesterday. What size is she?”
Bucky and Nat looked at each other, shrugging. “I better call Trish.”
Meanwhile, Trish and Wanda enjoyed relaxing mani, pedis and facials.
Her buzzing phone pulled Mrs. Barnes out of a trance. “Hey Bucky. How’s Talia?”
Laughing, Bucky told her Talia was engaged in a “game” of soccer with Steve. “Doll, what size clothes does she wear?”
“Usually a 3T, since she’s growing like a weed get 4T to be safe. Love and miss you.”
“Same here. I need a some “grown-up” time with’ya!”
Hearing that Brooklyn drawl, Trish knew exactly what her husband meant. “Well Sarge, I’ll get a babysitter. Maybe we can work on Talia a sister or brother?”
Stunned, Bucky smiled, “Baby are ya serious? You wanna have another kid with me?”
“Of course silly! You’re the only one I’d have a baby with. Now, hurry up.”
Bucky whispered, “I love’ya woman. Thank you for giving me something to live for.”
“James Buchanan Barnes, your happiness is important to me. Think I’ll buy something sexy to wear. What color?”
Folding his arms, “How ‘bout something red, black, or white?”
“I’m on it. Bye Sarge.”
“Bye doll.”
Steve, Tony and Nat played soccer with Talia in the aisle. Bucky recorded it for Sam and Thor, who were on a mission.
“Unte Teeb, tick to Sawah.”
Steve gently rolled the ball to the excited tot who in turn swung her little leg and missed the ball, landing on her bottom.
Bucky was right there by her side. She simply got up, laughing. “Do adin, do wit adin!!”
It was Nat’s turn to play. This time Talia connected with the ball.
Pumping her arms in the air, jumping around Talia couldn’t contain her elation. “Yay, yay I tick da baw….I tick da baw!!!”
Alex, Steve, Tony and Nat applauded. Bucky excused himself for a minute. Tears of joy flowed freely. Seeing his pal, Steve walked over to where he was.
“Buck, what’s the matter?”
“M’just happy Stevie. All the shit HYDRA put me through, didn’t think I’d ever have this…..a family. Now Trish wants to have another baby Barnes.”
“Really!!! M’happy for ya pal You deserve to be happy,”
“Thanks punk.” “You’re welcome jerk.”
Alex accommodated the crew with all things soccer. Talia held onto a multi-colored ball. Tony paid for everything. At least 3 of her shirts would sport “Barnes” on the back.
The shopping excursion tired Talia. She fell asleep on the ride back. Leaning in, Bucky asked Nat to keep Peanut tonight. Quirking an eyebrow, she agreed. “Guess it’s time for another baby Barnes?”
“How’d ya know?”
“A woman knows these things. Trish has an extra sway in her hips.”
Unloading the car was an adventure. Nat toted her sleeping goddaughter; Steve, Tony, and Bucky brought bag after bag inside.
Mouth agape, Trish could not believe her eyes.  “James, what the hell? We don’t have room in our apartment for a department store!!!”
Tony chimed in, “Mrs. Frostbite, I own an entire compound with ample space. Don’t worry. My niece deserved the best. So, I could afford the best.”
Wanda and Trish shook their heads. Nat laid little sleeping beauty on her bed. She informed Trish, Talia’s spending the night with her. “You can thank me later.”
Of course, Nat stocked her dresser drawers with clothes and pull ups. A row of Avenger teddy bears lined the bookshelf. Talia loved spending time in her “dodmommy” room.
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes took full advantage of their childless night. Reconnecting mind, body and soul. Showering together, sensual massages, and passionate lovemaking. Trish gradually weaned her body from birth control two months ago. Who knows? There could possibly be another Barnes in the oven!!!
Two weeks of “tedious practice,” the Stark Renegades squared off against the Wayne Terminators. The names were fierce; players  not so much.
The Renegades wore what else…..gold shirts and tops trimmed in red!!! Wayne’s brigade wore dark blue with white lettering.
Security….tighter than Fort Knox. A slew of super heroes in attendance; the Avengers, Bruce and Rachel Wayne, Clark and Lois Kent, Scott and Hope Pym. Along with aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
Bucky’s chest swelled with pride as Sarah took the field wearing #7, Barnes on the back of her shirt. Her hair in a ponytail, red headband, and small fingerless gloves. All the flashing resembled a lightning storm.
No scoring. Whoever kicked the ball, they won! Every tot on the field would have a chance to “win”!!!
The referee blew his whistle. Some kids tried to kick the ball but missed. If they fell, Sarah would go over and pat him or her on the back.
Most of the kids “scored.” When Sara got the ball, she swung her leg back, kicking the ball a little hard.
Thunderous applause erupted from the Avengers! She high fived David, her teammate. He in turn kissed her on the cheek.
Bucky practically jumped on the field. Trish yanked him down by the shirt. “James, sit your ass down! They are 3 years old. He’s not her boyfriend.”
Staring at Steve, Bucky growled, “We’re locking her up after t’night. Can’t come out till she’s 35.”
“I gotcha pal. Did you see him plant one on Sarah’s jaw? Whose kid is that? We need to rough up his parents.”
All the kids had a chance to win, now it’s time for an ice cream and pizza party, courtesy of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne.
Thor hoisted Talia on his broad shoulder! Unte Tor, I tick da baw. I won.”  
“Fair maiden Sarah, you are the best soccer player on Midgard!”
“Uh huh. Daddy, mommy, I won!!!”
Swallowing a boulder in his throat, Bucky kissed Talia, congratulating her on a good game.
Trish joined in the kissing party. She’d never seen her chubby dumpling so excited.
“I do pway now. Dabid my fwiend. Bye bye.”
Shoulders sagging,  Bucky pulled Trish into a hug. “Doll, she’s growin’ up t’fast. Did’ya see David kiss her on the cheek? It’s too soon!!”
“Calm down husband, they’re 3 years old. By their 5 birthday, tonight will be a memory. Besides, maybe we’ll have Barnes #2”
“Are’ya pulling my leg? We’re pregnant?’
“Fingers crossed, I’ll know in a week.”
70 years torture; turned into HYDRA’s one man killing machine.  The blood spilled by his hands weighed heavy on his mind and heart. In spite of the negativity, he found solace in his wife, Trish and the cutest 3 year old on the planet...
@omalleysgirl22 @rebelslicious @pegasusdragontiger @papi-chulo-bucky @suz-123 @inumorph @electrica-xo @arabellaaurorabarnes @3brosangel @kimistry27 @the-shield-of-writing
49 notes · View notes
Toddler Soccer League
SUMMARY: Bucky’s baby girl, now 3 wants to play soccer. What happens next is too damn cute!!!
Word Count: 1,898
Characters: Bucky and Patricia Barnes, Steve, Tony, Nat, Wanda, Sam, Thor, and adorable Sarah Natalia Barnes!!
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff and hilarious shenanigans by 3 year olds
A/N: I have no idea where this idea came from, but here it is. Daddy! Bucky warms my heart. After everything he endured, no amount of happyness is too much. Enjoy!
The moment Sarah Natalia Barnes was born, she had Earth’s mightiest heroes wrapped around her chubby fingers. Curly chestnut hair, sparkling cerulean eyes, and the cutest smile known to man. Talia, the moniker passed down from her godmother, Natalia Romanoff, cast a spell over the compound. No one could escape her charm.
Steve, Sam, Tony and Bucky turned to putty when she entered a room. Tickling, placing kisses all over her face, and blowing raspberries on her stomach. Wanda played dress up; complete with heels, make-up, wigs, and feather boas. Her godmother? She’d sneak Talia in the gym, guiding her through defensive movement. Trish reprimanded Nat, but that didn’t stop her!
Bucky, Tony, and  Steve were the worst. Unte Towe purchased a toddler treadmill and foam weight bench! Talia, Steve, and Bucky “lIft weights” together. “Daddy, Unte Steeb, wookie! I do too!!!” Eventually, Trish relented not without a few choice words for the super soldiers, billionaire genius and former master assassin.
Trish on the other hand, was the disciplinarian aka mean mommy. Talia’s charm didn’t work on her. If Bucky had his way, he’d never say anything harsh to his little peanut. He and Trish showed a united front when it came to manners; please, thank you, and excuse me. Don’t think Bucky was a wuss with his baby girl. It broke his heart to say ‘no.’
Clint and Laura visited most weekends, bringing Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel for a playdate with Talia. She would sometimes spend the weekend with the Bartons, giving Bucky and Trish alone time and vice versa. Their arrangement worked well.
“Daddy, pway wif me pwease?” Talia stood in front of Bucky, batting those long eyelashes.
Unable to say no Bucky replied, “Okay Peanut. What do ya wanna play?”
Talia scrunched her little nose, “Um wets pway putball.”
Laughing, Bucky tilted his head. . “Football? Why sweetie?”
“Coopew pways wif me and Yiya. I wun, yaff, and tick baws.”
Sitting her in his lap, Bucky reminded Talia, football was a boy’s game.
Shaking her chocolate curls, “Nu uh. I pway putball.”
Trish, standing against the door, sat next to her husband, taking Talia’s hand.
“Sarah, there are ladies who play football, we call it soccer. Would you like to play?”
“Weally? I  PWAY SOTTER!!!!
Trying to gage his wife’s seriousness, Bucky’s eyebrows knitted together.
“Wait a minute doll, we need to discuss this further. My baby girl might get hurt or somethin’. Then I’d have’ta kill’um.”
Laying a hand against his face, Trish reminded her fretting husband it’s perfectly safe. “How much damage could a team of 3 year olds do? I’ll talk to Tony about The Stark Employee mini-soccer league.”
Sliding from her daddy’s lap, Talia scampered to her room. “I dwess fo putball?”
Bucky burst her little bubble, “No dumplin’ not yet.”
Pouting, Talia hung her head. “Bye-bye.”
Whispering, Talia admonished Bucky. “See what you’ve done? Go to her. You’re a bully.”
Relenting, “bully” Bucky trudged to Talia’s room. Her tear stained face crushed him.
“Peanut, would you like to go buy a soccer ball and we play outside?”
Wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, “Uh huh, We pway sotter oushide?”
“Yes baby. We’ll ask your uncles and aunts too. Would ya like that?”
“Yesh, wet’s go wight now!!!”
Trish called Nat. “Guess what? You goddaughter wants to play soccer!”
Swallowing hard, Nat queried, “Soccer? Are you serious?”
“Yes. Bucky’s rounding up the cavalry going to the sporting goods store! I’m sitting this trip out.”
“Wanda’s here, so you’ll have company.”
Trish figured a spa day was needed. Of course, Wanda was on board.
Steve buckled Talia in her car seat, while the rest of the crew climbed in the blacked out window SUV.
On the drive to “Dick’s Sporting Goods” Talia informed everyone in the car she was playing soccer. Bucky kissed the top of her curls. He’d never seen her so excited.
The entire store stopped what they were doing when watching Talia and her “entourage.” Tony hammed it up with customers. Nat, Bucky, Steve and Talia rode the escalator to the soccer section.
Talia’s eyes were brighter than the sun. She didn’t know what to look at first.
Alex, customer service rep waved at Talia. “Hello little lady. How are you?
“Hi. I’m thwee,” holding up two fingers.
“Mr. Barnes, Ms. Romanoff, how may I help?” Of course he’d recognized them from television.
“Alex, my daughter needs all things toddler soccer; balls, shoes, socks, shirts and shorts. Do’ya have anything in her size?”
Alex enthusiasm bubbled over. “As a matter of fact, we do. Our shipment of toddler clothes arrived yesterday. What size is she?”
Bucky and Nat looked at each other, shrugging. “I better call Trish.”
Meanwhile, Trish and Wanda enjoyed relaxing mani, pedis and facials.
Her buzzing phone pulled Mrs. Barnes out of a trance. “Hey Bucky. How’s Talia?”
Laughing, Bucky told her Talia was engaged in a “game” of soccer with Steve. “Doll, what size clothes does she wear?”
“Usually a 3T, since she’s growing like a weed get 4T to be safe. Love and miss you.”
“Same here. I need a some “grown-up” time with’ya!”
Hearing that Brooklyn drawl, Trish knew exactly what her husband meant. “Well Sarge, I’ll get a babysitter. Maybe we can work on Talia a sister or brother?”
Stunned, Bucky smiled, “Baby are ya serious? You wanna have another kid with me?”
“Of course silly! You’re the only one I’d have a baby with. Now, hurry up.”
Bucky whispered, “I love’ya woman. Thank you for giving me something to live for.”
“James Buchanan Barnes, your happiness is important to me. Think I’ll buy something sexy to wear. What color?”
Folding his arms, “How ‘bout something red, black, or white?”
“I’m on it. Bye Sarge.”
“Bye doll.”
Steve, Tony and Nat played soccer with Talia in the aisle. Bucky recorded it for Sam and Thor, who were on a mission.
“Unte Teeb, tick to Sawah.”
Steve gently rolled the ball to the excited tot who in turn swung her little leg and missed the ball, landing on her bottom.
Bucky was right there by her side. She simply got up, laughing. “Do adin, do wit adin!!”
It was Nat’s turn to play. This time Talia connected with the ball.
Pumping her arms in the air, jumping around Talia couldn’t contain her elation. “Yay, yay I tick da baw….I tick da baw!!!”
Alex, Steve, Tony and Nat applauded. Bucky excused himself for a minute. Tears of joy flowed freely. Seeing his pal, Steve walked over to where he was.
“Buck, what’s the matter?”
“M’just happy Stevie. All the shit HYDRA put me through, didn’t think I’d ever have this…..a family. Now Trish wants to have another baby Barnes.”
“Really???  M’happy for ya pal You deserve to be happy,”
“Thanks punk.” “You’re welcome jerk.”
Alex accommodated the crew with all things soccer. Talia held onto a multi-colored ball. Tony paid for everything. At least 3 of her shirts would sport “Barnes” on the back.
The shopping excursion tired Talia. She fell asleep on the ride back. Leaning in, Bucky asked Nat to keep Peanut tonight. Quirking an eyebrow, she agreed. “Guess it’s time for another baby Barnes?”
“How’d ya know?”
“A woman knows these things. Trish has an extra sway in her hips.”
Unloading the car was an adventure. Nat toted her sleeping goddaughter; Steve, Tony, and Bucky brought bag after bag inside.
Mouth agape, Trish could not believe her eyes.  “James, what the hell? We don’t have room in our apartment for a department store!!!”
Tony chimed in, “Mrs. Frostbite, I own an entire compound with ample space. Don’t worry. My niece deserved the best. So, I could afford the best.”
Wanda and Trish shook their heads. Nat laid little sleeping beauty on her bed. She informed Trish, Talia’s spending the night with her. “You can thank me later.”
Of course, Nat stocked her dresser drawers with clothes and pull ups. A row of Avenger teddy bears lined the bookshelf. Talia loved spending time in her “dodmommy” room.
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes took full advantage of their childless night. Reconnecting mind, body and soul. Showering together, sensual massages, and passionate lovemaking. Trish gradually weaned her body from birth control two months ago. Who knows? There could possibly be another Barnes in the oven!!!
Two weeks of “tedious practice,” the Stark Renegades squared off against the Wayne Terminators. The names were fierce; players  not so much.
The Renegades wore what else…..gold shirts and tops trimmed in red!!! Wayne’s brigade wore dark blue with white lettering.
Security….tighter than Fort Knox. A slew of super heroes in attendance; the Avengers, Bruce and Rachel Wayne, Clark and Lois Kent, Scott and Hope Pym. Along with aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
Bucky’s chest swelled with pride as Sarah took the field wearing #7, Barnes on the back of her shirt. Her hair in a ponytail, red headband, and small fingerless gloves. All the flashing resembled a lightning storm.
No scoring. Whoever kicked the ball, they won! Every tot on the field would have a chance to “win”!!!
The referee blew his whistle. Some kids tried to kick the ball but missed. If they fell, Sarah would go over and pat him or her on the back.
Most of the kids “scored.” When Sara got the ball, she swung her leg back, kicking the ball a little hard.
Thunderous applause erupted from the Avengers! She high fived David, her teammate. He in turn kissed her on the cheek.
Bucky practically jumped on the field. Trish yanked him down by the shirt. “James, sit your ass down! They are 3 years old. He’s not her boyfriend.”
Staring at Steve, Bucky growled, “We’re locking her up after t’night. Can’t come out till 35.”
“I gotcha pal. Did you see him plant one on Sarah’s jaw? Whose kid is that? We need to rough up his parents.”
All the kids had a chance to win, now it’s time for an ice cream and pizza party, courtesy of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne.
Thor hoisted Talia on his broad shoulder! Unte Tor, I tick da baw. I won.”  
“Fair maiden Sarah, you are the best soccer player on Midgard!”
“Uh huh. Daddy, mommy, I won!!!”
Swallowing a boulder in his throat, Bucky kissed Talia, congratulating her on a good game.
Trish joined in the kissing party. She’d never seen her chubby dumpling so excited.
“I do pway now. Dabid my fwiend. Bye bye.”
Shoulders sagging,  Bucky pulled Trish into a hug. “Doll, she’s growin’ up t’fast. Did’ya see David kiss her on the cheek? It’s too soon!!”
“Calm down husband, they’re 3 years old. By their 5 birthday, tonight will be a memory. Besides, maybe we’ll have Barnes #2”
“Are’ya pulling my leg? We’re pregnant?’
“Fingers crossed, I’ll know in a week.”
70 years torture; turned into HYDRA’s one man killing machine.  The blood spilled by his hands weighed heavy on his mind and heart. In spite of the negativity, he found solace in his wife, Trish and the cutest 3 year old on the planet...Sarah Natalia Barnes.
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I Won!
SUMMARY: Bucky’s baby girl, now 3 wants to play soccer. What happens next is too damn cute!!!
Word Count: 1,898
Characters:Daddy! Bucky and Patricia Barnes, Steve, Tony, Nat, Wanda, Sam, Thor, and adorable Sarah Natalia Barnes!!
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff and hilarious shenanigans by 3 year olds
A/N: I have no idea where this came from, but here it is. Daddy! Bucky warms my heart. After everything he endured, no amount of happiness is too much. Enjoy!
The moment Sarah Natalia Barnes was born, she had Earth’s mightiest heroes wrapped around her chubby fingers. Curly chestnut hair, sparkling cerulean eyes, and the cutest smile known to man. Talia, the moniker passed down from her godmother, Natalia Romanoff, cast a spell over the compound. No one could escape her charm.
Steve, Sam, Tony and Bucky turned to putty when she entered a room. Tickling, placing kisses all over her face, and blowing raspberries on her stomach. Wanda played dress up; complete with heels, make-up, wigs, and feather boas. Her godmother? She’d sneak Talia in the gym, guiding her through defensive movement. Trish reprimanded Nat, but that didn’t stop her!
Bucky, Tony, and  Steve were the worst. Unte Towe purchased a toddler treadmill and foam weight bench! Talia, Steve, and Bucky “lIft weights” together. “Daddy, Unte Steeb, wookie! I do too!!!” Eventually, Trish relented not without a few choice words for the super soldiers, billionaire genius and former master assassin.
Trish on the other hand, was the disciplinarian aka mean mommy. Talia’s charm didn’t work on her. If Bucky had his way, he’d never say anything harsh to his little peanut. He and Trish showed a united front when it came to manners; please, thank you, and excuse me. Don’t think Bucky was a wuss with his baby girl. It broke his heart to say ‘no.’
Clint and Laura visited most weekends, bringing Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel for a playdate with Talia. She would sometimes spend the weekend with the Bartons, giving Bucky and Trish alone time and vice versa. Their arrangement worked well.
“Daddy, pway wif me pwease?” Talia stood in front of Bucky, batting those long eyelashes.
Unable to say no Bucky replied, “Okay Peanut. What do ya wanna play?”
Talia scrunched her little nose, “Um wets pway putball.”
Laughing, Bucky tilted his head. . “Football? Why sweetie?”
“Coopew pways wif me and Yiya. I wun, yaff, and tick baws.”
Sitting her in his lap, Bucky reminded Talia, football was a boy’s game.
Shaking her chocolate curls, “Nu uh. I pway putball.”
Trish, standing against the door, sat next to her husband, taking Talia’s hand.
“Sarah, there are ladies who play football, we call it soccer. Would you like to play?”
“Weally? I  PWAY SOTTER!!!!
Trying to gage his wife’s seriousness, Bucky’s eyebrows knitted together.
“Wait a minute doll, we need to discuss this further. My baby girl might get hurt or somethin’. Then I’d have’ta kill’um.”
Laying a hand against his face, Trish reminded her fretting husband it’s perfectly safe. “How much damage could a team of 3 year olds do? I’ll talk to Tony about The Stark Employee mini-soccer league.”
Sliding from her daddy’s lap, Talia scampered to her room. “I dwess fo putball?”
Bucky burst her little bubble, “No dumplin’ not yet.”
Pouting, Talia hung her head. “Bye-bye.”
Whispering, Talia admonished Bucky. “See what you’ve done? Go to her. You’re a bully.”
Relenting, “bully” Bucky trudged to Talia’s room. Her tear stained face crushed him.
“Peanut, would you like to go buy a soccer ball and we play outside?”
Wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, “Uh huh, We pway sotter oushide?”
“Yes baby. We’ll ask your uncles and aunts too. Would ya like that?”
“Yesh, wet’s go wight now!!!”
Trish called Nat. “Guess what? You goddaughter wants to play soccer!”
Swallowing hard, Nat queried, “Soccer? Are you serious?”
“Yes. Bucky’s rounding up the cavalry going to the sporting goods store! I’m sitting this trip out.”
“Wanda’s here, so you’ll have company.”
Trish figured a spa day was needed. Of course, Wanda was on board.
Steve buckled Talia in her car seat, while the rest of the crew climbed in the blacked out window SUV.
On the drive to “Dick’s Sporting Goods” Talia informed everyone in the car she was playing soccer. Bucky kissed the top of her curls. He’d never seen her so excited.
The entire store stopped what they were doing when watching Talia and her “entourage.” Tony hammed it up with customers. Nat, Bucky, Steve and Talia rode the escalator to the soccer section.
Talia’s eyes were brighter than the sun. She didn’t know what to look at first.
Alex, customer service rep waved at Talia. “Hello little lady. How are you?
“Hi. I’m thwee,” holding up two fingers.
“Mr. Barnes, Ms. Romanoff, how may I help?” Of course he’d recognized them from television.
“Alex, my daughter needs all things toddler soccer; balls, shoes, socks, shirts and shorts. Do’ya have anything in her size?”
Alex enthusiasm bubbled over. “As a matter of fact, we do. Our shipment of toddler clothes arrived yesterday. What size is she?”
Bucky and Nat looked at each other, shrugging. “I better call Trish.”
Meanwhile, Trish and Wanda enjoyed relaxing mani, pedis and facials.
Her buzzing phone pulled Mrs. Barnes out of a trance. “Hey Bucky. How’s Talia?”
Laughing, Bucky told her Talia was engaged in a “game” of soccer with Steve. “Doll, what size clothes does she wear?”
“Usually a 3T, since she’s growing like a weed get 4T to be safe. Love and miss you.”
“Same here. I need a some “grown-up” time with’ya!”
Hearing that Brooklyn drawl, Trish knew exactly what her husband meant. “Well Sarge, I’ll get a babysitter. Maybe we can work on Talia a sister or brother?”
Stunned, Bucky smiled, “Baby are ya serious? You wanna have another kid with me?”
“Of course silly! You’re the only one I’d have a baby with. Now, hurry up.”
Bucky whispered, “I love’ya woman. Thank you for giving me something to live for.”
“James Buchanan Barnes, your happiness is important to me. Think I’ll buy something sexy to wear. What color?”
Folding his arms, “How ‘bout something red, black, or white?”
“I’m on it. Bye Sarge.”
“Bye doll.”
Steve, Tony and Nat played soccer with Talia in the aisle. Bucky recorded it for Sam and Thor, who were on a mission.
“Unte Teeb, tick to Sawah.”
Steve gently rolled the ball to the excited tot who in turn swung her little leg and missed the ball, landing on her bottom.
Bucky was right there by her side. She simply got up, laughing. “Do adin, do wit adin!!”
It was Nat’s turn to play. This time Talia connected with the ball.
Pumping her arms in the air, jumping around Talia couldn’t contain her elation. “Yay, yay I tick da baw….I tick da baw!!!”
Alex, Steve, Tony and Nat applauded. Bucky excused himself for a minute. Tears of joy flowed freely. Seeing his pal, Steve walked over to where he was.
“Buck, what’s the matter?”
“M’just happy Stevie. All the shit HYDRA put me through, didn’t think I’d ever have this…..a family. Now Trish wants to have another baby Barnes.”
“Really???  M’happy for ya pal You deserve to be happy,”
“Thanks punk.” “You’re welcome jerk.”
Alex accommodated the crew with all things soccer. Talia held onto a multi-colored ball. Tony paid for everything. At least 3 of her shirts would sport “Barnes” on the back.
The shopping excursion tired Talia. She fell asleep on the ride back. Leaning in, Bucky asked Nat to keep Peanut tonight. Quirking an eyebrow, she agreed. “Guess it’s time for another baby Barnes?”
“How’d ya know?”
“A woman knows these things. Trish has an extra sway in her hips.”
Unloading the car was an adventure. Nat toted her sleeping goddaughter; Steve, Tony, and Bucky brought bag after bag inside.
Mouth agape, Trish could not believe her eyes.  “James, what the hell? We don’t have room in our apartment for a department store!!!”
Tony chimed in, “Mrs. Frostbite, I own an entire compound with ample space. Don’t worry. My niece deserved the best. So, I could afford the best.”
Wanda and Trish shook their heads. Nat laid little sleeping beauty on her bed. She informed Trish, Talia’s spending the night with her. “You can thank me later.”
Of course, Nat stocked her dresser drawers with clothes and pull ups. A row of Avenger teddy bears lined the bookshelf. Talia loved spending time in her “dodmommy” room.
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes took full advantage of their childless night. Reconnecting mind, body and soul. Showering together, sensual massages, and passionate lovemaking. Trish gradually weaned her body from birth control two months ago. Who knows? There could possibly be another Barnes in the oven!!!
Two weeks of “tedious practice,” the Stark Renegades squared off against the Wayne Terminators. The names were fierce; players  not so much.
The Renegades wore what else…..gold shirts and tops trimmed in red!!! Wayne’s brigade wore dark blue with white lettering.
Security….tighter than Fort Knox. A slew of super heroes in attendance; the Avengers, Bruce and Rachel Wayne, Clark and Lois Kent, Scott and Hope Pym. Along with aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
Bucky’s chest swelled with pride as Sarah took the field wearing #7, Barnes on the back of her shirt. Her hair in a ponytail, red headband, and small fingerless gloves. All the flashing resembled a lightning storm.
No scoring. Whoever kicked the ball, they won! Every tot on the field would have a chance to “win”!!!
The referee blew his whistle. Some kids tried to kick the ball but missed. If they fell, Sarah would go over and pat him or her on the back.
Most of the kids “scored.” When Sara got the ball, she swung her leg back, kicking the ball a little hard.
Thunderous applause erupted from the Avengers! She high fived David, her teammate. He in turn kissed her on the cheek.
Bucky practically jumped on the field. Trish yanked him down by the shirt. “James, sit your ass down! They are 3 years old. He’s not her boyfriend.”
Staring at Steve, Bucky growled, “We’re locking her up after t’night. Can’t come out till 35.”
“I gotcha pal. Did you see him plant one on Sarah’s jaw? Whose kid is that? We need to rough up his parents.”
All the kids had a chance to win, now it’s time for an ice cream and pizza party, courtesy of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne.
Thor hoisted Talia on his broad shoulder! Unte Tor, I tick da baw. I won.”  
“Fair maiden Sarah, you are the best soccer player on Midgard!”
“Uh huh. Daddy, mommy, I won!!!”
Swallowing a boulder in his throat, Bucky kissed Talia, congratulating her on a good game.
Trish joined in the kissing party. She’d never seen her chubby dumpling so excited.
“I go pway now. Dabid my fwiend. Bye bye.”
Shoulders sagging,  Bucky pulled Trish into a hug. “Doll, she’s growin’ up t’fast. Did’ya see David kiss her on the cheek? It’s too soon!!”
“Calm down husband, they’re 3 years old. By their 5 birthday, tonight will be a memory. Besides, maybe we’ll have Barnes #2”
“Are’ya pulling my leg? We’re pregnant?’
“Fingers crossed, I’ll know in a week.”
70 years torture; turned into HYDRA’s one man killing machine.  The blood spilled by his hands weighed heavy on his mind and heart. In spite of the negativity, he found solace in his wife, Trish and the cutest 3 year old on the planet...Sarah Natalia Barnes.
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